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   Re: Fielding XML questions

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  • From: Peter Murray-Rust <peter@ursus.demon.co.uk>
  • To: xml-dev@xml.org
  • Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 22:34:31 +0100

At 11:04 PM 4/30/00 +0000, Sue Kuivanen wrote:
>Thank you so much Soumitra!  I needed the break down of the categories. You 
>are right.  I think number 3 is it, too.
>Lately, some friends have asked me what the deal is with XML, is it 
>important to their company and, if so, how?  As a consultant, I see more of 
>these questions coming to me.  Any comments on this?
>>From: Soumitra Sengupta <soumitra@b-bop.com>
>>To: Sue Kuivanen <specialkevents@hotmail.com>
>>Subject: Re: Path to take
>>Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 15:37:05 -0700
>>Depends what you mean by XML Expert.  In my mind there are 3 kinds of XML

I have enjoyed reading this correspondence. I think it makes it clear that
XML is many things to many people and that discussions of this type are
very appropriate for XML-DEV. "XML developers" have a need IMO to develop
the use of XML :-)

When people ask me - "how do I learn to use XML?" - it is rather like
asking "how do I learn to write a book?". There are a number of fundamental
rules which generally must be observed, but after that it depends very much
on the nature of the book. In general it depends on talking to people,
reading books, asking questions and simply trying to do it. And not being
disappointed if it doesn't work out first time.


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