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   Re: XML DTD Creation

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  • From: "John E. Simpson" <simpson@polaris.net>
  • To: "Pierre, Sebastian" <spierre@Rational.Com>
  • Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 15:16:03 -0400

At 10:50 AM 5/16/2000 -0700, Pierre, Sebastian wrote:
>   For example I have this declaration :
>    (  link | see | anchor  |  em | quote | citation | copyright | date | 
> name  | #PCDATA )*
>    for an element content is invalid because of the # in #PCDATA.

Make #PCDATA the first item in the content model, not the last.

John E. Simpson          | "I hate it when my foot falls asleep
http://www.flixml.org    | during the day because that means it's
simpson@polaris.net      | going to be up all night." (Steven Wright)

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