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   Order in an XML document

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  • From: Michel Rodriguez <mrodrigu@ieee.org>
  • To: xml-dev@xml.org
  • Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 09:51:36 -0400 (EDT)


I was wondering if there is anywhere in the litterature, or even in a
standard, a definition of the order in an XML document?

My problem is simple: if I compare 2 elements A and B the results can be

[1] A and B are not in the same document
[2] A is before B
[3] B is before A
[4] A and B are equal
[5] A is within B
[6] B is within A

I see two options for a comparison function between A and B (similar to
Perl's cmp function):

                      option 1  option 2

[1] A and B are not in  undef    undef
    the same document  
[2] A is before B       -1        -1
[3] B is before A        1         1
[4] A and B are equal    0         0
[5] A is within B        0         1 (B starts before A)
[6] B is within A        0        -1 (A starts before B)

I could not find much about that problem, but maybe I did not look in the
right place. 

Any pointers (or thoughts)?

Thank you

Michel Rodriguez
Senior Programmer-Analyst, Electronic Services
IEEE Standards Activities

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