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   Re: Databases Serving and SPITTING UP XML

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  • From: Rick JELLIFFE <ricko@geotempo.com>
  • To: Jay Aguilar <xdsl@server.jjgoodwin.com>
  • Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 19:30:22 +0800

Jay Aguilar wrote:
> OK Now I have been on this list for a long time.  I have a couple of
> questions
> 1.  I have heard that MS SQL , ORCL 8i, SYBASE will be soon be
> implementing a feature to spit out XML tags from an existing DTD.  Why
> make another layer of your application server to send out and recieve your
> XML packages when the database can do this funtion ?

I think your question is, if you have the choice between a middleware
system serving XML data (to the web) or a DBMS system with a builtin
Webserver and XML generator (Informix has this), when is it better to
use each?

One is the load on your database system.  If you database server is not
congested, and if it does not complicate your system's grand
architectural plans or security, and if you do not have to perform any
great transformations on the data, serving from the database server is a
perfectly respectable option.

The reverse is that serving XML through middleware is more appropriate
when the database system would be congested to do web service, when it
messes up organizational and security issues, or when there is much
business logic or transformations to be done with the data.

Rick Jelliffe

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