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   Re: Enhancements to RAX / RSS angle

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  • From: "Robert Hanson" <rhanson@blast.net>
  • To: "Eric Bohlman" <ebohlman@netcom.com>, "Sean McGrath" <sean@digitome.com>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 10:01:37 -0400

From: Eric Bohlman <ebohlman@netcom.com>

> In my email to Sean that started this discussion, I mentioned that I had
> some ideas about integrating PYX with RAX...
> Is everybody hopelessly confused by now?

Nope, I got it.

Ummm... I guess I could add it to XML::RAX when I get some time (which I have
not had much of lately).  It shouldn't be too hard to do.

> On another matter, the documentation for RAX doesn't clearly specify what
> should be done if a "field" level element contains nested elements.  If I
> understand correctly, Sean's Python implementation omits the content of
> nested elements, whereas Robert Hanson's Perl implementation concatenates
> their text values in document order


> I tend to favor the latter (a third
> alternative would stringify the nested tags as well as their content,
> resulting in a value that could be "microparsed" by another parser).

I also agree with the "microparsed" idea, and that is actually already done in
an unreleased version of XML::RAX.  I still have to do some testing on it, and
get it off to CPAN, but it allows you to get the original XML of any field or
record.  ...You can then throw that back into another RAX parser to get the
"sub-records" out of it.  The only problem is with entities because the XML
version of the field/record will not have a DTD.


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