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   Re: dtd editor for macintosh?

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  • From: Karl Dubost <karl@la-grange.net>
  • To: <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 19:15:16 +0200

At 10:49 -0500 12/06/2000, rsanford wrote:
>i'm looking for a dtd editor for the macintosh. i don't care
>if it is java based or native, but i want it to run on the
>mac. if it can edit xml files that would be a bonus.

I have no idea for DTD editors on macintosh, but you will surely find 
some at http://www.xml.com/ in Java.

For XML files editing, you have SixPack


SixPack - a simple open source XML editor for Macintosh.

This is the initial developer release of SixPack, which means it's 
alpha level software and should only be used by developers and 
advanced users. That said, the program itself is quite easy to use. 
The only real requirement is a healthy understanding of XML. For more 
information about XML, please see: http://www.w3.org/XML/.

SixPack does perform as a "well-formed" XML processor, but currently 
does not offer support for DTDs. At present there is no exception 
handling, so bad XML will likely shut down the program.

and Emilé

by Media Design in*Progress
Release 1.0 (June 9, 1999)

Emilé is the first Extensible Markup Editor for Macintosh. It is 
used to author documents using XML and Extensible HTML. The latest 
version of Emilé is available from <www.in-progress.com/emile>.

Karl Dubost - http://www.la-grange.net/
Près de vous, madame, oubliant les cieux,
L'astronome étonné se trouble;
C'est dans l'éclat caressant de vos yeux,
Qu'il avait cru trouver l'étoile double.  

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