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   Re: FOs again

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  • From: "Sebastian Rahtz" <sebastian.rahtz@computing-services.oxford.ac.uk>
  • To: ricko@geotempo.com
  • Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 00:23:01 +0100 (BST)

Rick JELLIFFE writes:
 > Microsoft Word is the number one word processor in every major market
 > except Korea, apparantly. It has been localized for so many different
 > scripts and languages. For XSL-FO to succeed it has to provide some step
 > forwards for the W3C members (Adobe, Interleaf, Arbortext, INSO, even
 > Microsoft) in analysis, elegance and coverage: I would guess one could
 > say that for each vendor XSL-FO must provide a convenient step forwards
 > compared to their existing products *and* support at least as many
 > features as MS Word can. 

Surely this is chalk and cheese. Word is about an authoring interface, 
XSL FO is about an interchange language for abstract page
description. Word now uses RTF for exchange (sort of) - it could
switch to using XSL FO.

 > So if CSS starts from utter simplicity and is attempting to grow richer,
 > and if XSL-FO starts from high-quality and attempts to make it as simple
 > as possible, what is left? Probably there is scope for a middle
 > language.

I'd like to see some evidence for that :-}

 > But I think this a market that is well-catered for. If you
 > look at Word Perfect, FrameMaker+SGML, Cost, etc, there are many
 > products
am i being dense? what is the common factor between an ageing
word-processor, an ageing page formatter with SGML tagged on, and an
SGML processing setup?

  > free DOCBOOK implementations exist. 
can you expound on this? what is "DOCBOOK implementation" when it is
at home? can you point at a setup which can render Docbook completely
and well? and how do you render Docbook without a style language??


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