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   Re: Various presentations, schema concepts, etc.

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  • From: Matt Sergeant <matt@sergeant.org>
  • To: KenNorth <KenNorth@email.msn.com>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 10:50:42 +0100 (BST)

On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, KenNorth wrote:

> > From reading your presentation slides Ken, I'm glad I won't be the one
> > defining where the line should be between putting things in the XML
> > schema, the DBMS schema and the application classes ;-)
> That's easy. Put the schema diagram on the wall. Close eyes. Throw dart.

Thats an interesting definition of a "conceptual modelling tool" - comp
sci really hasn't moved that far in 20 years ;-)

> AFAIK, the terms "schema" and "sub-schema" originated from the work of the
> CODASYL Data Base Task Group (DBTG) in the late '60s and early '70s. The
> logical model of the database was sets and sub-schemas defined the
> parent-child (owner-member) relationships. You traversed the sets in a
> manner similar to DOM tree walking. You generated a schema, wrote
> sub-schemas for various programming languages, and then bound them to
> application code for compile-time type checking.
> That development paradigm was procedural and process-oriented. The industry
> has since moved to object-orientation, and I think we're about to make the
> next great leap -- declarative programming. We'll express rules and
> constraints instead of designing processes or objects.

Declarative programming really isn't that new a concept, although the
development of declarative techniques is getting better (I suppose you
could have said the same about OO when it was becoming the "next big
thing" too). I'm not convinced its really the next wave though - like
functional programming its just too hard to grok for non comp sci people
(and there are a lot of them in this field who are going to need to be
able to work with us).


Fastnet Software Ltd. High Performance Web Specialists
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