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   RE: Various presentations, schema concepts, etc.

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  • From: Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@icl.com>
  • To: "'KenNorth'" <KenNorth@email.msn.com>, Matt Sergeant <matt@sergeant.org>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 11:24:02 +0100

> AFAIK, the terms "schema" and "sub-schema" originated from 
> the work of the CODASYL Data Base Task Group (DBTG) in the late '60s and 
> early '70s. 

For the record, I think DBTG took the concepts (I'm not sure about the
terminology) from Honeywell's IDS database system developed in the mid
1960s. Charlie Bachmann was a key player in both.

Mike Kay

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