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   Re: DTD parser again

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  • From: "Ronald Bourret" <rpbourret@hotmail.com>
  • To: xml-dev@XML.ORG
  • Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 21:52:21 CEST

Huaxin Zhang writes:

>Is there any DTD parser for JAVA? Better api than applications. (IBM's XML
>parser nolonger support DTD parsing, right?)

I ship a freely available DTD parser (SubsetToDTD) as part of XML-DBMS. 
Currently, this generates DTD objects (an object for each element type 
definition, an object for each attribute definition, etc.) but it would be 
easy enough to modify it to generate events instead.

You can download the parser (along with the rest of XML-DBMS) from:


-- Ron Bourret
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