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   RE: XML, Word & Java

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  • From: Eric Hellman <eric@hellman.net>
  • To: xml-dev@xml.org
  • Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 14:00:23 -0400

Then look at http://www.logictran.com/

At 5:02 PM +0100 10/23/00, Pollington, Lee (ELSLON) wrote:
>Thanks Simon, I'm really looking for an RTF converter - I can't be sure of
>what I will be getting.

Eric Hellman, President                            Openly Informatics, Inc.
eric@openly.com                                    2 Broad St., 2nd Floor
tel 1-973-509-7800 fax 1-734-468-6216              Bloomfield, NJ 07003
21st Century Information Infrastructure            http://www.openly.com/
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