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   RE: XML for Online Games

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  • From: James Ramirez <jamesr@cogs.susx.ac.uk>
  • To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
  • Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 06:12:58 +0000 (GMT)

> > BTW:  using XML in games is not that novel.  The 
> > X3D effort has an XML encoding and can be applied 
> > to games, there is a talkingHead application that 
> > uses XML, and extending the persistence of games 
> > via XML serialization is a straightforward application. 
> > The latency issues are a much harder problem 
> > than picking XML for message formats.


>I've noticed quite a few freeware games using XML for their config and
>save formats -- no real interop hit from any of this, of course.

I'm working on a project [as part of my degree] that intends to use XML for 
games generation, as well as configuration and save formats, bringing in the 
benefits of interoperability, resuability, etc.

I'll post more details when I have some concrete examples put together [and I 
sort out with the University whether I can release the project as open source].



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