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   Re: Success factors for the Web and Semantic Web

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  • From: Francis Norton <francis@redrice.com>
  • To: Miles Sabin <MSabin@interx.com>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 13:09:24 +0000

Miles Sabin wrote:
> [snip: Goggle using (co)citation]
> Why is this sad?
> Citation and co-citation work because links are semantically
> rich (ie. they reflect the intentions of human authors
> surprisingly well *without* needing complex domain modelling) and
> don't require much cleverness on the part of search engines.
> That's surely a win ... unless you think that AI is The Only Way.
The problem with meta tags is that they are categorised self-citations.
If we agree that Google is good now, could it not be even better if
sites categorised their external citatations? 

But given, as you say, the surprising effectiveness of uncategorised
citations, what would be compelling scenarios? And how would it be



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