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Re: What if:

Charles Reitzel <creitzel@mediaone.net> wrote:

> You are absolutely right.  But, of course, http: refers to web pages (of all
> things). 

Actually, the HTTP spec makes it relatively clear that HTTP URIs are
designed to represent _resources_ -- not any specific kind of resource (such
as a web page). That is why we can get music, images, 3D models, RDDL files,
HTML, etc. all over HTTP. It also says that HTTP does not deliver the
resource itself, but merely a related network entity.

So HTTP is perfectly usable for an abstract entity like a namespace. It will
simply return a representation -- a RDDL document, or schema, or something
-- of the namespace.

[ Aaron Swartz | me@aaronsw.com | http://www.aaronsw.com ]