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RE: XML Digests using Xerces and XML Security Suite


I just found out the problem, it is in the CRLF vs. LF dilemma. I now:

- first save the xml file
- reload and parse it
- then regenerate the digest
- store the digest in the original xml
- save the original xml

This works. It's just clumsy, so if anybody knows a better solution than
this workaround that would be great.


:>  -----Original Message-----
:> From: 	Iwan Eising [mailto:java@i-ware.net] 
:> Sent:	Sunday, April 29, 2001 10:23 AM
:> To:	xml-dev@lists.xml.org
:> Subject:	XML Digests using Xerces and XML Security Suite
:> Hi,
:> I'm writing an application that generates an XML document and 
:> saves it to a
:> file. Later when the file is read again, I want to make sure 
:> that it is the
:> same file. I want to use an MD5 digest to check this, the digest 
:> is stored
:> in the XML document it self, so when I send it to a different location
:> (possibly over the Internet) I can still check if it is the 
:> original file I
:> created in the first place.
:> I downloaded IBM's XML Security Suite and I created the following two
:> methods (full code below):
:> 	boolean checkSignature(Node node,String signature);
:> 	String generateSignature(Node node);
:> I store the signature in the XML document it self. The XML 
:> document has the
:> following structure:
:> <Document>
:> 	<signature>
:> 		<!-- signature-value in BASE64 -->
:> 	</signature>
:> 	<ActualContents>
:> 	</ActualContents>
:> </Document>
:> I made sure that in both case the Digest is generated from ActualContents
:> node (The System.out shows me this). I'm using DOM, so the 
:> complete document
:> is read before it is being processed.
:> For some reason when I read the DOM from file and take the node 
:> and feed it
:> to checkSignature, I get a different Digest than when I create 
:> the DOM from
:> scratch and generate the digest.
:> Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong, or have a 
:> better/easier/working way
:> of solving this problem?
:> Thanks,
:> Iwan
:>     protected boolean checkSignature(Node node,String signature)
:>     {
:>         boolean result = false;
:>         System.out.println("Start hash at: " + node.getNodeName());
:>         try
:>         {
:>             byte[] digest = 
:> Digest.getDigest(MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"), node);
:>             BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
:>             String genSignature = encoder.encode(digest);
:>             result = signature.equals(genSignature);
:>         }
:>         catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException exc)
:>         {
:>             exc.printStackTrace();
:>         }
:>         return (result);
:>     }
:>     protected String generateSignature(Node node)
:>     {
:>         String id="";
:>         System.out.println("Start hash at: " + node.getNodeName());
:>         try
:>         {
:>             byte[] digest = 
:> Digest.getDigest(MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"), node);
:>             BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
:>             id = encoder.encode(digest);
:>         }
:>         catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException exc)
:>         {
:>             exc.printStackTrace();
:>         }
:>         return (id);
:>     }
:> ---
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