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Re: [ANN] XQuery prototype

thank you for your redirection to www-ql.

thank you also, for clearing up my misconstrual of the concrete syntax
in the "XML Query Algebra" document
(http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/WD-query-algebra-20010215) as the correct
expression of XQuery syntax. this is, of course, to be found rather in
"XQuery: A Query Language for XML "

sorry for the oversight.


Massimo Marchiori wrote:
> <quote>
> On the other hand, www-xml-query-comments@w3.org , to which
> this thread had been added, is *not* the right place to handle such
> discussion, as (cf. again http://www.w3.org/XML/Query ) it is
> <quote>
> The public mailing list for submitting comments on the publications
> of the XML Query wg. This is not a discussion list (so, you can't subscribe),
> but a way for people to provide their comments to the XML Query wg, and
> for the wg to reply.
> </quote>
> and obviously this tool is not a product/publication of the XML Query wg.