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Notations in XSD - a bug???

Title: Notations in XSD - a bug???

Greetings assembled gurus,

There appears to be a conflict in the XSD spec for notation declarations. 3.12.1 gives the following as properties of the notation schema component:

{system identifier} Optional if {public identifier} is present. A URI reference.
{public identifier} Optional if {system identifier} is present. A public identifier, as defined in [XML 1.0 (Second Edition)].

However, 3.12.2 (XML Representation) indicates that a public identifier is mandatory. This would be a seemingly unnecessary divergence from XML1.0 which doesn't require public id (so long as system id is present). The IBM SQC complains about it if a public id is missing, XMLSpy doesn't and I haven't tested any others.

Anyone care to clarify this? In any case, this is a bug in the spec, but I presume 3.12.1 is correct unless someone can definitively tell me otherwise.


John Anderson
CTO Barbadosoft  The XML Management Company
+31 (0)20 750 7582 / +31 (0)6 65 347 448 / www.barbadosoft.com

- putting the "X" in "XML" -