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Re: Bad News on IE6 XML Support

* Simon St.Laurent wrote:
>>So XML Everywhere Except The Browser, then?
>No, CSS works quite nicely for XML in browsers - Mozilla is a nice example, 
>Opera's not too much further off (if they fixed Unicode support, anyway!)
>IE is a long ways further off, and probably the main blockage for such 
>usage today.

I still don't see any good reasons why I should use my own proprietary
document language plus CSS for my homepage instead of XHTML plus CSS.
What do I, my users, and the web in general gain by this? If there are
good reasons, I'd be curious to know what's wrong with XHTML and why the
W3C still spends time with further development of XHTML.

>XSLT is useful, but I can't see myself telling graphic designers at WEB2001 
>(where I presented yesterday) that they _have_ to learn XSLT to get XML 
>information to a browser.

Sorry, but graphic designers design graphics, they aren't respobsible
for authoring web documents and even less for dealing with XML data and
even if they were for some obscur reasons, there are other way to get
XML data in some format applicable for web browsers.
Björn Höhrmann { mailto:bjoern@hoehrmann.de } http://www.bjoernsworld.de
am Badedeich 7 } Telefon: +49(0)4667/981028 { http://bjoern.hoehrmann.de
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