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[xml-dev] ANN: ZapThink XML Database and Persistence Engines Report

ZapThink Announces the Release of its XML Databases and Persistence Engines Report
As the use and adoption of Extensible Markup Language (XML) technologies continues to increase exponentially, a need has arisen for mechanisms to store, retrieve, and search through the XML documents being created. While file systems, and relational and object-oriented database management systems have met our needs in prior years for data storage and retrieval, XML imposes new requirements on how that information needs to be stored so that it can be retrieved in a structured, hierarchical manner.
This ZapThink report, "XML Database and Persistence Engines Report" covers the major segments of technology that are focused on meeting the requirements for XML storage and retrieval, and identifies the individual solutions, their differences, share of the market, and total size of the market for these products. As well, this reports covers each of the three major approaches to solving the needs for XML storage and outlines when each approach is most appropriately used. We hope this report meets your needs for understanding the XML Database and Persistency Engines market.
Table of Contents:
* Abstract
* Scope of Report
* Definition of XML Database Market
* XML DB Market Segmentation
* XML Extensions to RDBMS or OODBMS technology
* XML Extensions Market Size and Share
* Native XML Data Stores
* Native XML Data Store Market Size
* Native XML Data Store Market Share
* Native XML Data Store Market Positioning
* XML-based Virtual DBMS
* XML-based Virtual DBMS Market Size
* XML Database Market Growth Drivers
* XML Database Aggregate Market Size
* Key Standards
* Vendor Profiles
* Methodology
* Resources
Key Findings:
* The XML Database Market is segmented into three parts: XML Extensions to RDBMS and OODBMS technologies, Native XML Data Stores, and XML Virtual DBMS systems
* The XML Extensions market is an outgrowth of the RDBMS / OODBMS markets
* The Native XML data store market is a compelling, new market segment
* The size of the Native XML Data Store market is $180M in 2001, growing up to 300% year-over-year, approaching $900M in 2003.
* There are many players in the Native XML data store market, each with unique value propositions
* XML Virtual DBMS solutions offer a compelling alternate means for XML-enabling internal databases
Vendors Featured:
* B-Bop
* Birdstep
* dbXML Group
* eXcelon
* IBM (DB2)
* Infonyte
* Ipedo
* IXIASoft
* Microsoft (SQL Server 2000)
* NeoCore
* Nimble Technology
* Oracle (Oracle 9i)
* Ozone
* PyBiz
* Software AG (Tamino)
* X-Hive
* XML Global
* XYZ Find
You view the overview and find more information about this report at: http://www.zapthink.com/reports/xmldb.html
We hoped this interested you,
ZapThink Analysts
About ZapThink:
ZapThink, LLC is an industry analyst group focused entirely on XML. We cover XML Standards, XML Tools and Technology, and XML Usage and Adoption, and its adoption by businesses, scientific and academic institutions, and governments. ZapThink provides leading analytical, reporting, and consulting services that help provide complete understanding about a particular technology space by helping clients achieve a complete view of a technology in context with its surroundings.
Thank you for your time, and let us know if this report has interested you.
ZapThink Analysts
Ronald Schmelzer
Senior Analyst
ZapThink LLC
Phone: 781-207-8534