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RE: [xml-dev] storing XML files

On Thu, 2001-10-11 at 14:45, Jeff Lowery wrote:
> I just want to mention the possibility of storing DOM objects in a OODBMS
> (or ORDBMS). 
> Solves some of the problems relating to document versioning. Not too great
> for queries, though, but you could hybridize the structure with queryable
> data that is indexed in columns, associated with the object representation
> in the DB.

I think that's more or less what Excelon (nee Object Design?) does,
though I don't think it's the W3C DOM proper.  POET also does similar
things with its object store for markup documents.

Object and hierarchical databases look awfully interesting to me in a
markup context.

Simon St.Laurent
"Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better." - Emile Coue