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   Re: [xml-dev] Attribute Order

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 From: "Simon St.Laurent" <simonstl@simonstl.com>
> Least disruption seems like a reasonable approach to me.

I agree.

A further point is that the human use of an XML document as a marked-up 
text is not always using an "XML processor" in the sense that 
the spec uses.  An XML processor parses the XML
and makes available information items (see Appendix B
http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-infoset/ ),
but an XML editor may not even parse the document, or may parse
it in some devious or incremental way: an editor or reader of
an XML document may work off the text of the entity not the

Contrast applications which work off text with applications that
extend the infoset: such as XML in canonical form where the
attributes are given in alphabetical order: in that case, I suppose
the basic infoset is notionally augmented with positional indicators.

Rick Jelliffe
Orlando, Florida


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