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   Re: [xml-dev] Suggestion for an alternative XML 1.1

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Elliotte Rusty Harold scripsit:

> That's simply not true. Text editors on various platforms routinely 
> and transparently recognize the \n, \r, and \r\n line ending 
> conventions.

vi does not, nor does Emacs.

> It's not like NEL can do anything \r and \n can't do, or that 
> documents need all three at once. It's just a different and uncommon 
> convention to mean the same thing. This is not like adding the 
> Cyrillic alphabet on top of the Latin alphabet. They Cyrillic 
> alphabet lets you say things you can't say in ASCII. However, NEL 
> doesn't say anything new, just uses a different code point for the 
> exact same thing.

Absolutely!  And you would be making the exact same arguments if
XML 1.0 accepted only #xD #xA as a valid line ending, and I were
proposing adding support for just #xD and just #xA.  The vast
majority of all systems, after all, both generate and expect
#xD #xA.

John Cowan           http://www.ccil.org/~cowan              cowan@ccil.org
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