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   Re: [xml-dev] Re: Flexible Schemas (was RE: [xml-dev] The task tobe solv

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At 9:46 PM +0100 1/20/02, Nicolas Lehuen wrote:

>I'm glad you write that. So now, do you agree that RDDL cannot be used to
>find the schemas of XML documents that contain a mix of namespaces, despite
>the fact that those schemas exist (there is a DTD for RDDL, WAP 2.0, etc.) ?

No, it can be used for this provided each element is in a namespace, 
each such namespace URI has a RDDL document including a link to a 
relevant schema, and the schema language and the schemas themselves 
are designed to allow these sorts of multiple namespace documents. 
(The last point is the biggest obstacle in practice.)

>Do you agree that RDDL is good at describing *namespace* meta-data (apart
>from a few problems, but let's be open-minded), but NOT at describing XML
>document meta-data ?

Yes, absolutely.

>Do you understand my point, which is that instead of
>focusing on RDDL which solves a little part of the meta-data problem, but
>looks like a sliver bullet, we should reckon the limitations of RDDL and try
>to go further ?

Maybe I understand it, but I disagree with it. RDDL is good at what 
it does, and useful. It is not a bad thing. If you want do something 
else useful that's orthogonal to RDDL, that's fine; but this in no 
way indicates that RDDL should not be used or supported. What you're 
proposing does not go further. It goes in a different direction.

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo@metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |
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