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> DOCTYPES are fine for DTDs as long as you accept
> extensibility in any instance that includes the
> DOCTYPE definition and/or own the system reference.
> A PUBLIC id specifies the owner organinization and
> the system ID tells you where to locate your version
> of that.
Well, since I don't use DTDs myself, it may be possible that I'm missing
some subtleties. I get your drift, though.
> Why doesn't that work? Are you really
> looking for someone to make your choices for you?
But I don't want to use DTDs. You can't make me.
> For schemas, nyet. But for the Schema Definition
> language itself, da. I don't know what RELAX NG
> is using for this. Anyone?
> Levels. Agreements are usually layered if negotiated.
> Blind exchanges should not be the way the web works.
Ummm... not quite with ya there. Certainly, I can ignore or passively store
information I don't understand, for later regurgitation. Not that I do that
on this list.
> And if you plan to send the semantics with the message,
> Java and PDF are there to serve your every need. :-)
Oh, c'mon.
> Why is this debate still being held every year?
It makes me wonder why you even bother, Len. :-\