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   RE: [xml-dev] Compring two XML docs from Java

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I guess I can run Google for you: Google throws up, using "canonical XML":


and there are more pages I have not looked at. I have not used any of 
these tools.


At 10:16 am -0800 11/2/02, Toivo Lainevool wrote:
>Robin LaFontaine  wrote:
>If you just need to know if there are changes, I suggest you use a
>tool to generate canonical XML from your files and then do a 'diff'.
>There are tools available for this I believe.
>So I guess my next question is: Are there any tools available for
>creating canonical XML from Java?  Again, same requirements:
>- Free, or even better, open source
>- Uses a standard API such as DOM, SAX or JDom
>- Callable from Java
>Toivo Lainevool
>New Iron Systems, Inc.
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Robin La Fontaine, Director, Monsell EDM Ltd
DeltaXML: "Change control for XML in XML"
Tel: +44 1684 592 144 Fax: +44 1684 594 504
Email: robin.lafontaine@deltaxml.com      http://www.deltaxml.com


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