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   RE: [xml-dev] WSIO vs. Semantic Web

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2/13/2002 10:47:52 AM, "Bullard, Claude L (Len)" <clbullar@ingr.com> wrote:

> hype.  We did it 
>because we needed a way to integrate 
>heterogeneous systems.  Hypertext alone 
>won't do the job.  <a href="URzed" 
>just ain't enough.  REST might be and that 
>is definitely something to consider.

Absolutely no disagreement from me!
There is a strong need for web services
and a reality that XML and HTTP can 
provide the foundation.  

>Fact is, the web services issues ARE more 
>important than the semantic web at this 
>time.  We really desperately need a way 
>to integrate edge systems in enterprise 
>bids NOW.  

Right, so the way forward is to build on 
what works NOW.  REST is part of it,
SOAP is part of it, Google is part of it.
Lots of other things that build incrementally
from what we know works, such as XPath in
a discovery mechanism, XSLT in a format conversion
mechanism make sense too.  Someday, one can
hope, the various metadata / semantics initiatives
may have something to contribute to the 
discovery problem.

But the hype is saying "don't worry your nerdy little
head about that HTTP and XML stuff, just use our
tool and the Internet will look like a giant LAN
and you can use ordinary procedure calls to access
resources anywhere in the world."   Declaring a crisis
because this vision is not close to reality, and
blaming the W3C for not making the impossible
happen, is the kind of thing I'm suggesting is


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