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   RE: [xml-dev] RELAX NG Marketing (was RE: [xml-dev] Do Names Matter?)

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I need an type-augmented infoset. I'd like to obtain schema information in
an abstract grammar format, independent of the schema language used. An
important thing would be the ability to obtain the name of the type
associated to any given element (this name could be precised in a RELAX NG
annotation). This way I could use a validator to disambiguate the type of
each XML element and use this type name to process XML data in an extensible

So OK, relying on XSD PSVI is bad, but typing info as part of the PSVI is

Nicolas Lehuen

>-----Message d'origine-----
>De : Sean McGrath [mailto:sean.mcgrath@propylon.com]
>Envoye : mercredi 27 mars 2002 11:35
>A : xml-dev@lists.xml.org
>Objet : Re: [xml-dev] RELAX NG Marketing (was RE: [xml-dev] Do Names
>[Joe English]
>>Using W3C XML Schemas has a much higher potential for causing
>>interoperability problems: if the semantics of a vocabulary
>>depends critically on the XSD-augmented Infoset, then XSD
>>validation becomes a requirement at runtime, and developers
>>are locked in to tools that support XSD.
>>The great innovation of SGML was requiring documents to define
>>their own type.  The great innovation of XML was to remove this
>>requirement.   Relying on the XSD PSVI would be a step backward.
>>Using RELAX NG is a step forward.
>If the were audience participation in this forum the standing ovation
>for these two paragraphs would be be ringing round the hall.
>Well said Joe.
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