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   About ID and IDref

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Title: About ID and IDref

Hi all !
m an novice user of xml
I was tasked to work on XML database
I have created one DTD Wherein i am using bulletin as one of the ELEMENTS
I am describing this element in another DTD called Bulletin.dtd
The reson for creatig separe DTD for Bulletin is that I can use 1 'bulletin doc" for 2/3 "product document"
i.e. Bulletin is a doc of assembly procedure ..and 2 /3 diff product can have same bulletin

E g. Product.dtd

<!ELEMENT Item ((partName | prodName) , Item* , productImage , description? , CatalogID? ,
Bulletin?) >
And Bulletin.dtd
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!ENTITY % date "CDATA">
<!ELEMENT Bulletin (tilte , requisit? , note* , list+)>
update %date; #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT tilte (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT requisit (list+)>
My question is how to link these two docments .with ID and IDREF[Kakade Mangesh] ( i dont want to use Xlink or XSLT)


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