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   Re: [xml-dev] URIs harmful (was RE: [xml-dev] Article: Keeping pace

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Amelia A Lewis scripsit:

> The namespaces rec specifically states that URI reference identity
> requires character-by-character identity, and it appears that there has
> been discussion within the TAG about the potential difficulties of doing
> anything more complex.  There is clearly a great deal of complexity ...
> but it gets easier and easier to challenge the claim that "this is a URI
> reference" the further that the namespace string's semantic drifts from
> the semantic of a URI.  A namespace name, in fact, is a thing that has
> URI syntax.  Only.  It isn't a URI, or a URI reference, it is a
> namespace name, which is defined to have URI syntax.

I agree 100%, and I have been pressing for a rewording that says
"A namespace name is a string that has the syntax of a URI reference."

John Cowan                              <jcowan@reutershealth.com>
http://www.ccil.org/~cowan              http://www.reutershealth.com
                Charles li reis, nostre emperesdre magnes,
                Set anz totz pleinz ad ested in Espagnes.


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