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   Re: [xml-dev] URIs harmful (was RE: [xml-dev] Article: Keeping pace

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[John Cowan]
> Amelia A Lewis scripsit:
>>...A namespace name, in fact, is a thing that has
> > URI syntax.  Only.  It isn't a URI, or a URI reference, it is a
> > namespace name, which is defined to have URI syntax.
> I agree 100%, and I have been pressing for a rewording that says
> "A namespace name is a string that has the syntax of a URI reference."

I agree too.  But we should remember that programmers and database
administrators alike have found that good naming practices are vital for
communicating the intent of code (or database structures), which  leads to
improved design, interoperability, and maintenance.  The software does not
care about the names, but the people do.

We should make use of these lessons, not discard them.  The Recs and
standards can (and should, I think) say that URIs and namespaces are
arbitrary and only focus on the syntax, but most people will want to add
their own semantic conventions.  These conventions may be important, it is
just that they are extra, a discipline supplied by the people involved.


Tom P


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