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   Re: [xml-dev] version numbers and infosets

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At 3:41 PM +1000 7/24/02, Rick Jelliffe wrote:

>How does a system do this?  You can only know which rules are being
>used when the pieces of the document are already available, which requires
>that the header will be generated last, or that it goes through some
>filter. Not efficient.

How do I know that my document will be well-formed before I send it? 
Because I wrote my code to make it so, and when I write the XML 
declaration I assume that. I think the number of cases in which you 
don't know in advance whether or not  you will or will not be using 
Burmese/Cambodian/Amharic or, God help us, NEL, in the markup 
somewhere, are vanishingly small.

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo@metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |
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