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   Re: [xml-dev] stupid URI tricks was: Re: [xml-dev] URIs harmful

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Jonathan Borden scripsit:

> No. Every URI _always_ identifies a resource.

Only if you allow that some things with URI syntax aren't really URIs.
For example, "http://www.cs.usyrtis.mars/rfc/rfc32767.txt"; doesn't
represent any resource at present:  there is no University of Syrtis
to serve as the authority, and the RFC sequence has only reached the

> The point of the above is that the representation of a conceptual resource
> "a thing without a represenation" could always be the text: "a thing without
> a representation", therefor there one can always provide a representation
> for any resource (if one so chooses).

Ceci n'est pas une représentation.  :-)

John Cowan    http://www.ccil.org/~cowan   <jcowan@reutershealth.com>
    "Any legal document draws most of its meaning from context. A telegram
    that says 'SELL HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES IBM SHORT' (only 190 bits in
    5-bit Baudot code plus appropriate headers) is as good a legal document
    as any, even sans digital signature." --me


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