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   RE: [xml-dev] URI indigestion

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I would expect the syntax to work.  What about the 
need to prevent ambiguity?  IOW, in the SGML world, 
a public ID depends just like a URI on the system 
that establishes it to ensure qualities such as 
uniqueness.  What SGML said, AFAIK, was that SGML was 
not obliged to do that (there being no definitive 
SGML system per se) and that someone using a public ID 
should work out a system.  So if the Public ID is used 
in RDF for the Semantic Web, where does uniqueness 
get conferred?  As I understand the decision to 
use URIs, it was based on getting uniqueness for 
free.  The problem comes of http:// being overloaded 
if one stuffs it in there "in name only".

John can probably answer that and/or correct 
my misunderstanding if any.

Further, there is the issue that URIs designate 
representations of resources and that these can 
vary over time/space/authorial_intent, etc,. and 
that this conflicts with the RDF requirement for 
insisting that the URI uniquely identifies one 

1.  What is the one thing that it identifies 
    for URIs?

2.  Are these resources (can only be one) or 
    representations (can vary)?

I'm trying to understand if this is a real 
problem (needs a constant; used a variable) 
or a categorical error (says a resource, 
but a representation is meant).   IOW, given 
the varying aspects of representations, it seems 
that RDF really needs and wants non-varying URNs 
for which urn:publicID is a possible solution 
but requires a different means to enforce uniqueness.



From: Bill de hOra [mailto:dehora@eircom.net]

> From: Bullard, Claude L (Len) [mailto:clbullar@ingr.com] 
> What would be the impact on RDF if it used these 
> instead of URIs?

None, if we forget for a moment that RDF specifies URIs. Today,
urn:publicid: works fine for RDF, so do tag: URIs. 


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