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   RE: [xml-dev] Borland C++ and Expat - performance hit.

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Thanks for the response Karl.

> >
> > I've been testing an application that uses EXPAT on a clean install of
> > Windows XP. It was working perfectly well, and EXPAT in particular was
> > extremely fast. After I loaded Borland C++ Builder 5 onto the system the
> > performance of EXPAT was greatly reduced.
> >
> > I've now un-installed C++ Builder, but the performance of EXPAT has not
> > returned to what it originally was.
> >
> > I think it's fairly obvious that C++ Builder has replaced a
> system library
> > module with a debug version or something like that.
> Did you build the Expat Dll with C++ Builder?
> The Dll itself only depends on kernel32.dll.

No I'm just using the pre-built DLL. I've been thinking about it and it's
not neccessarily a problem with expat. It may be a changed library that's
slowing my code rather than expat.

> > Before I start digging to find out which libraries are involved
> I though I
> > would ask in this list whether anybody has already figured this out.
> Maybe you should direct your question to one of
> the Expat mailing lists at http://www.libexpat.org.
> Build support for C++ Builder was recently added,
> but it seems to default to a debug build.

I will try the expat mailing list. Thanks for your suggestions.



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