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   Re: [xml-dev] [Fwd: The problems with Xlink for integration languages]

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At 4:43 AM +0000 9/18/02, Arjun Ray wrote:

>have to *share* data values (as in html:href "versus" xlink:href).  It
>tries to make virtue out of necessity - if not dogma out of principle -
>when multiple linking semantics in the same element become impossible *due
>to syntax*.

XLink does not rule out multiple linking semantics in the same 
*element*. It rules out multiple linking semantics in the same *tag*. 
The distinction is very important.

What I am hearing people say they need is multiple linking semantics 
in the same *element*. I am also hearing them object because they 
can't have multiple linking semantics in the same *tag*. I am still 
waiting for a convincing use-case that requires multiple linking 
semantics in the same *tag*.

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