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A hybrid or compromise that I have used (mostly in javascript) is to write a
function that returns a well-formed element as a string - for example,
function element(name,content)
var fragment=element('div','This is a div')
// returns "<div>This is a div</div>"
You can use this recursively and always get well-formed text out -
var frag2=element('div', element('div','This is a nested div'))
// returns <div><div>This is a nested div</div></div>
And of course you can concatenate to get siblings or mixed content.
This approach knows nothing about DTDs but it is convenient, well-formed,
and a lot better than printf.
Tom P
[Arjun Ray]
Elliotte Rusty Harold <elharo@metalab.unc.edu> wrote:
| At 9:40 AM -0700 9/21/02, Dare Obasanjo wrote:
|> Search for the string "InnerXml" in the text at
|> http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2002/9/14/19753/0994
| Thanks. Does this code work? If so, it's worse than I thought it was.
| I had assumed InnerXML worked with well-formed XML. It apparently
| doesn't. For example,
| channel.InnerXml = channel.InnerXml + "\n<item>\n<title>" + diaryTitle +
| "</title>\n<link>" + diaryLink + "</link>\n<description>" +
| diaryDesc + "</description>\n";
| Where's the end-tag for the item element? There's another case of
| this a little further on:
| channel.InnerXml = channel.InnerXml + "\n" +
| "<rss:item
xmlns:rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\" " +
| "xmlns:rss=\"http://purl.org/rss/1.0/\" rdf:about=\"" +
| diaryLink + "\" >\n" +
| "<rss:title>" + diaryTitle + "</rss:title>\n<rss:link>" +
| diaryLink + "</rss:link>\n" +
| "<rss:description>" + diaryDesc + "</rss:description>\n";
| This time it's the rss:item end-tag that's gone missing,
Did you really expect better? Really, Elliotte, you have a big heart. :-)