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   Re: [xml-dev] parser models

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At 5:49 PM -0400 9/23/02, Simon St.Laurent wrote:

>I take it you mean "complete XML documents" as opposed to "XML documents
>in the often messy process of creation".
>That's another aspect of XML processing that's been sadly neglected.

That seems to me to fall into the same territory as caring about the 
difference between character and entity references and CDATA 
sections: it's relevant to one style of editors. It's really pretty 
pointless for everything else. SAX, DOM, JDOM, XOM, etc. just aren't 
really up to the needs of an source code based XML editor, but that's 
OK. Source-obvious XML editors (i.e. programs like XML Spy that 
expose the XML to the author but not programs like OpenOffice that 
don't show the XML to the end user) are a use case with lots of 
strange requirements that just aren't present in any other use case. 
Adding the features necessary for editors would immensely complexify 
an API for other, more common use cases. Editors justifiably need a 
different API.

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo@metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |
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