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   Re: [xml-dev] The Browser Wars are Dead! Long Live the Browser Wa rs!

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Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote:

> You're right.  My experience is different.
> I used to be of the same persuasion as Paul and
> perhaps yourself.  Then I was introduced to industrial
> scale databases with high reliability requirements.
> I tried to do with Javascript and VBScript what
> has been done with Visual FoxPro, Oracle and
> SQL Server.  It altered my opinions with real world
> demonstrations of the productivity and efficiency
> of dedicated languages.

You tried to code up a replacement for Oracle and SQL server in 
Javascript and VBScript? I could see how that would be a mind expanding 
experience. ;)

Fortune 500 companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the 
development of core business apps that run in web browsers. You believe 
that you understand the industry better than the people who build those 
apps because you use FoxPro (of all things).


  Paul Prescod


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