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   Re: [xml-dev] XDocs, XForms and Standards

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>> The rest of your comments are the same "Microsoft is evil, they must be

These were certainly not my words or my message.

Microsoft is not evil and I do not believe Microsoft should be destroyed.  I
use a lot of Microsoft's products and am quite happy with them.

However, it is well-documented in court records that Microsoft has engaged
in sharp business practices in the past and that those sharp business
practices have given it market advantages.  I don't think these
well-documented facts leads to a conclusion that Microsoft employees are
evil or that Microsoft should be destroyed.   What I think it really means
is that technical professionals do not see the world in the same way as
legal professionals, which results in different behavior.  I do both, so I
see a slice of each world and each point of view.  Usually, when I pipe up
on this list, it is to make a point along these lines.

Microsoft, like everyone else, should engage in socially and legally
acceptable behavior.  If it does not, then people have an obligation to do
and say something about it.

You say:

> 10/18/2002 7:42:02 PM, "Dare Obasanjo" <dareo@microsoft.com> wrote:
> >A.) Microsoft is not represented on the XForms working group whose
> >members are listed at http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/#wg

Mike Champion says:

> A Microsoft employee is acknowledged in
> as one of the authors of the spec :-)

Who do I believe?

You say:

> B.) XDocs is the salvaged remnants of a previous project codenamed
> "NetDocs"[0,1] which I'm sure was around before there was an XForm
> working group.

Mike Champion seems to agree.

Assuming this is true, then I see no problem.  My email suggested there
would be a problem if the technologies were related and Microsoft had used
ideas and intellectual property from the XForms WG.

In sum, what I think I'm hearing is that XDocs is a proprietary Microsoft
xml forms technology, not based on the XForms standard (or any other
standard), that will be bundled in MS Office for a fee. Microsoft is well
within its rights to do this.

I also assume that Microsoft does not have an intention to implement XForms
in IE or otherwise, which is, I think, the question that was raised to get
this thread started.  Microsoft is also well within its rights to do this.



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