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   Re: [xml-dev] Perceived C/B for XML 1.1

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At 7:30 AM -0400 10/21/02, <david@megginson.com> wrote:

>the 1.0 REC) deserves praise.  Assuming that the Ethiopian XML people
>include an XML declaration, their XML 1.1 documents will at least
>trigger obvious and properly documented failures in 1.0-only
>processors (along the lines of "Fatal: XML version 1.1 not supported")
>rather than intermittent, hard-to-track-down bugs and crashes.

Perhpas, but it's far from certain. The XML 1.0 spec states:

The version number "1.0" should be used to indicate conformance to 
this version of this specification; it is an error for a document to 
use the value "1.0" if it does not conform to this version of this 
specification. It is the intent of the XML working group to give 
later versions of this specification numbers other than "1.0", but 
this intent does not indicate a commitment to produce any future 
versions of XML, nor if any are produced, to use any particular 
numbering scheme. Since future versions are not ruled out, this 
construct is provided as a means to allow the possibility of 
automatic version recognition, should it become necessary. Processors 
may signal an error if they receive documents labeled with versions 
they do not support.

Notice the last sentence especially. 1.0 processors may *but do not 
have to* signal an error when they encounter an XML 1.1 document. I 
suspect in practice some do and some don't. Anyone know if the 
conformance tests look at this?

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo@metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |
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