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   Re: [xml-dev] Java package for XPath 1.0

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On Sunday, October 20, 2002, at 04:51  PM, Miguel Branco wrote:
> I'd like to know if any of you were to do research (or implementing
> something as is the case of this Java XPath implementation) on some
> topic XML-related what would you choose? I was thinking about XQuery..
> But then there's also Semantic Web, and so many others! So, if you were
> to do research in any topic of your choice, what would you do?

How about a "Sea Change", as Mike Stonebraker would put it.  Which 
could possibly mean none of the above.  Why research something that's 
already been researched to death when you can research something that 
actually 'needs' to be researched?

Tom Bradford
Chief Technology Officer
The dbXML Group


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