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At 10:26 AM +0200 10/26/02, Eric van der Vlist wrote:
>If that had been the case, other specs such as XPath 1.0 could have
>refered to "the latest definition of a XML Name" instead of nominatively
>quote "the current definition of a XML Name in XML 1.0".
I think this is a disaster for interoperability. Currently, I know
what an XPath 1.0 processor does. I know what it considers to be a
name. Under this scheme different XPath processors would produce
different results when applied to the same data depending on what
version of XML Names was in use.
Maybe you could come up with some way of specifying which version of
XML Names an expression required, but that would seem difficult in
the context of XPath, especially when you mix it with versions of
namespaces, versions of URIs, and anything else for which you might
need to identify the latest version.
>This has already been done with external specs and, for instance, XSLT
>1.0 relies on the fragment definition for the mime type of the
>dereferenced document in the definition of the document() function. In
>other words, XSLT 1.0 relies on whatever will the definition of a XML
>fragment be.
Has anybody actually tested this to see how XSLT processors behave?
and whether they all do the same thing? I tend to think this will
also cause interoperability problems, even once XPointer gets sorted
out. I suspect it would have been better for XSLT to ignore fragment
identifiers completely, until after XPointer had been finished so it
could determine whether and how to incorporate them.
| Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo@metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |
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