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   Re: [xml-dev] Documenting XSLT (Was: Note from the Troll)

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AndrewWatt2000@aol.com wrote:
> The problem might, at least partly, be attributed to the absence of a 
> documentation element in XSLT 1.0.

Look into the XSLT spec, section 2.2 Stylesheet Element, last paragraph:
  In addition, the xsl:stylesheet element may contain any element not from
  the XSLT namespace, provided that the expanded-name of the element has a
  non-null namespace URI. .... Such elements can provide, for example,
  *  metadata about the stylesheet,
  *  structured documentation for the stylesheet.

IIRC Norm Walsh uses this extensively for the documentation of his
DocBook style sheets. You might want to have a look at it.



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