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XincaML -  Is this a Schematron analog?  It seems to 
fit into the same application space for contraint 


"The XincaML (eXtensible Inter-Nodes Constraint Mark-up Language) package includes the language specification and XincaML Processor, which is a JavaTM implementation package of the language parser and constraints checker. 
The XincaML language can describe the presence or value dependencies amongst nodes located on different branches of an XML tree. It can specify constraints that can't be expressed by the XML schema language and therefore supplement the existing XML schema language to insure the integrity of data. XincaML is a declarative language and its syntax is based on XML format. This feature makes it easy to be used. 

XincaML Processor can validate XML documents against each constraint specified in XincaML instance documents. Application developers can integrate the processor into their applications to handle inter-nodes constraints in XML documents. The advantage of using XincaML in applications is that many of the constraints that previously had to be checked in applications can now be moved out of them and into XincaML Processor. It can make users to concentrate on the application processing logic itself and, therefore, create clearer application logic models. Use of XincaML can greatly accelerate the development cycle of applications and cause a better return on investment. "



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