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   Re: [xml-dev] Roles and functions [was: many-to-many]

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jcowan@reutershealth.com (John Cowan) writes:
>If you do not know the encoding or format of bits, then you have no
>method other than cryptanalysis for determining their content.

I guess that I do a lot more cryptanalysis than I would normally own up
to, then, though I've spent most of my computing time analysing bytes
rather than individual bits.  I suppose you're counting byte order and
endianness as metadata, but those aren't too hard to sort out for
various common forms of data, even when corrupted.

I think perhaps you're taking the day-to-day work of taking information
about which not everything is known and using it and recasting that as
some kind of far more complex process.  Perhaps it is difficult, but I
hardly thought Walter was talking rocket science.

Simon St.Laurent
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Errors, errors, all fall down!
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