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   Re: [xml-dev] On the promotion and demotion of information items (was Re

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On Thursday 06 March 2003 04:30, Rick Jelliffe wrote:

> MS considered the information in the comments not important enough for
> people to use for processing.  Because XML has comments, they did not
> have to throw the information away just because it does not fit into their
> model: they jsut note the information as a second-class citizen.

Hmmm. I think they should have just put the information in attributes and 
been done with it. People are free to ignore attributes they're not 
interested in.

> Now along comes someone else who thinks "Oh, actually I can make use
> of that information!"  The idea that people choose the information they
> want in an XML document does not only mean that people demote (strip)
> information items they are not interested in, it also can mean that people
> promote information items that the data provider was not interested in.

Well, if the information was specified as information rather than as 
expendable human comments that happen to have machine-readable information 
stored in them AND NOWHERE ELSE, then there'd be no need to promote anything 

What happens to this .Net config file if you strip out the comments? 
Presumably something breaks, unless the file isn't really a config file, but 
is just a representation of information stored in some other format elsewhere 
so the information isn't truly lost?

> Cheers
> Rick Jelliffe


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 - ARP


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