SysOnyx Inc. is pleased to announce the release of
xmlLinguist, version 1.0. xmlLinguist is a Text-to-XML Translator, useful
for your B2B needs. With the Map Editor, you can map just about any
structured flat file and then translate them directly into XML. Once in
XML, the full power and flexability of XML is at your fingertips. Validate
the document with an XML Schema, translate it with an XML Stylesheet,
xmlLinguist can map three types of files: Fixed Width files
(where fields start at a specific position within the line),
Value Separated files (where fields are separated
by a predefined character, such as a comma), and Single Map files (where
every row in the map has the same mapping, but there are no identifiers for
the row, such as a CSV exported from Excel).
xmlLinguist can be
downloaded for a 30 day trial period at
The download
is fully functional with a timeout after 30 days,
afterwards you'll need to purchase a license from TopXML.
Inc. has partnered with TopXML to resell xmlLinguist online for the low
price of $79.95. TopXML is a wonderful XML resource and has added value to
the industry for years now. Visit their xmlLinguist pages at
and you can purchase xmlLinguist at,
and SysOnyx Inc.'s own xmlLinguist pages are still located