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   Re: [xml-dev] Doing Web services right

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On Tue, 11 Mar 2003 21:20:38 -0500, Mark Baker <distobj@acm.org> wrote:

> Any HTTP client can retrieve data from Amazon, eBay, or any other Web
> site, whereas a Web service client can only retrieve data from the
> subset of all Web services which expose the interface(s) it recognizes.

I just noticed http://news.zdnet.co.uk/story/0,,t269-s2131835,00.html

"Amazon Web Services was announced last July and is aimed at benefiting 
Amazon.com by bringing it closer to developers, website owners and 
merchants with whom it has relationships.
For example, a site that advertises books which can then be bought via a 
link to Amazon.com -- usually in exchange for a percentage of any sale -- 
no longer has to manually update product information on a page. Web 
services, by using a series of XML tags, allows a page to dynamically 
update as Amazon.com changes pricing, product description, availability and 
other details. A page can even be re-sized to fit the space on another 
website using Web services....
For example website simplest-shop.com shows a range of product information 
all seamlessly linked to Amazon.com's back end systems."

Just passing this on, not sure if Amazon's experience supports one side or 
the other in the REST vs Web services permathread.   Does anyone have 
hands-on experience they can share?  In the example above, I could easily 
imagine a straight HTTP/XML solution, but I also note the bit about 
"seamlessly linked to Amazon.com's back end systems" which may imply that 
an SOA approach is easier to implement.  


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