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   Re: [xml-dev] FW: More on the xml-dev hosting situation from LaurenWood

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My experiences with email lists:
I am subscribed to xml-dev and few yahoo mailing lists, for about 4 years
now. I use my official cs account for almost all the lists.

I have never had a problem so far with xml-dev, however, with respect to
yahoo groups (couple that I manage also), I have found that the server
checks for addresses that could be spammers and sometimes blocks them, or
even unsubscribes them. The yahoo server actually blocked my cs account
and other cs.ucla.edu accounts for a few days.

Also, I have visited xml-dev archives < 20 times. I have not had problems
actually. Yahoo lists i sometimes visit very regularly and have found that
couple of times yahoo servers have gone down, the archives are unavailable
etc. But I believe yahoo has also improved, and I do not think I have
noticed any problems with yahoo lists over the last 6 months at least.

moral of the story: My point is, I think we should try to improve it,
rather than give up on it. As a joke, if there is something that is really
bad that it probably cannot be improved is probably W3C's XML-Schema.. :)
But I think we should try to improve that also..

cheers and regards - murali.

On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Mike Champion wrote:

> Forwarded on behalf of Lauren Wood:
> Last week I was unsubscribed by the mailing list from xml-dev. No, I didn't
> unsubscribe; for some reason the mailing list itself chose to not allow me
> to directly receive the xml-dev pearls of wisdom (and going through the
> archives on the web is not as much fun).
> Since I noticed that I had been kicked off, and it wasn't just xml-
> dev being quiet, I have been repeatedly trying to resubscribe using the
> list manager. Nothing happens. No email to confirm subscription is sent. No
> notice of anything is sent. No email from xml-dev appears in my inbox.
> This has happened to several people, not just me, and not just Tim. I don't
> know the mechanism by which the system chooses who may not subscribe;
> everyone on this list should be prepared for the short straw to be pulled
> on their behalf tomorrow.
> I would like to be confident that when I have no email from xml-dev waiting
> for me in the mornings, it's because none was sent, not because the system
> threw me off. I don't think this is too much to ask of any organization
> that volunteers to host a mailing list, especially one as important as
> this.
> regards,
> Lauren
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> The xml-dev list is sponsored by XML.org <http://www.xml.org>, an
> initiative of OASIS <http://www.oasis-open.org>
> The list archives are at http://lists.xml.org/archives/xml-dev/
> To subscribe or unsubscribe from this list use the subscription
> manager: <http://lists.xml.org/ob/adm.pl>


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