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>> First of all, is it true that any well-formed XML document according to
>> "Namespaces in XML" must be well-formed according to XML 1.0 in the
>> first place? Is it true that "Namespaces in XML" is - syntactically -
>> a subset of XML 1.0?
>it's a superset rather, providing an extended syntax compared to XML 1.0.
You might say that the syntax is a superset, but the set of
namespace-well-formed documents is a subset of the set of
plain-old-XML-1.0-well-formed documents.
As for DTDs, the original poster is right. They constrain the
elements and attributes in a document by their uninterpreted names,
not by their namespace name / local name pairs ("expanded names"), so
they only work if you decide on the prefix in advance. There's a hack
using parameter entities to make the prefix parametrizable, if you
really want to.
-- Richard